successful certification certification of IP Systems
We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our consulting services and our internal processes and to adapt them to the constantly changing market environment. Thus, we have successfully completed several re-certifications in recent months.
To ensure that our services are transparent for public clients, we go through the prequalification procedure of the Auftragsberatungsstelle Hessen e.V. every year. The data provided in this directory by our company are checked by a recognized authority and can be viewed by all (after requesting an access code).
After a successful review this year, the Auftragsberatungsstelle Hessen e.V. (ABSt Hessen) has again certified IP Systems as a competent, efficient and reliable company for public contracts. We are therefore registered in the prequalification database of the Auftragsberatungsstelle Hessen e.V. The certificates are issued according to established guidelines and quality standards. This verification of the proof of suitability saves the contracting authority from having to carry out individual checks in the award procedure.
In addition, IP Systems was again registered as a suitable company for public contracts in the official directory ( The nationwide official directory for the supply and service sector contains potential bidders or applicants who have demonstrated their suitability and the absence of grounds for exclusion and have been verified by the chambers of industry and commerce. These companies can be found using various search criteria, such as name, registered office, CPV code, etc.
As in previous years, IP Systems was again granted permission for Arbeitnehmerüberlassung (AÜG) by the Federal Employment Agency in Düsseldorf.
In March, the annual short audit for the verification of our DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, which runs until 2024, was due again. Due to the long-term use of our quality management system in accordance with the ISO standard, we were able to achieve a first-class result in the short audit.
Our customers benefit from our quality management system through first-class service and delivery reliability, both in terms of quality and time.